Saturday, October 16, 2010

Most Viewed Videos World Wide - "Search And Destroy" Greenhouse Effect Song List 1985 to 1992.

326,771 Views - Greenhouse Effect From LOS ANGELES is The World's most Watched Rock n Roll Band of the Web and Clark Hagins says that utilizing the Most Simplest of technical Advertising in Google Adwords, Vimeo, Blip Tv, and Myspace and FaceBook Ads are the Key; "I make Good money now with G.e. and I don't even leave the House !! It's like as if we're constantly on Virtual tours,.....Record labels in Los Angeles could not possibly know what I know about the value of Good Songs and Advertising (And LOTS OF IT) but they're slowly learning - from me!,....EVERYBODY KNOWS practically EVERY G.E. SONG now !" Says Haggins. Back in the 'early days' of 2002, Haggins began his G.e. quest for Rock n Roll and humor immortality: "We started off simple with some views for "Brandy" and "White Black Thang",....since then, its just gone up and up,....We're number one at Funky Tv and other places,...and video blogs and sites email ME ,....BECAUSE they want G.e. Videos - and Desperately !!! They 'know' that Greenhouse Effect Songs will get their websites seen and searched in Google" - Haggins has seen musical trends come and go in the Last 8 years in cyberspace but the power of the Great Songwriting and Singing in G.e. remains virtually unchanged; "We're a Great band and we keep it simple stupid just like KISS and Lonn Friend might say,......we're into simple melody from Dan Fogleberg and John Denver and Harry Nilsson,......we're totally 70's because 'THAT' was the period in time where the melody was !! GREENHOUSE EFFECT are constantly getting good comments and commitment from fans all around the world at places like Pandora and Jango-Airplay and the three million video views that they got for "Brandy" in 2006 at Youtube was no fluke (and not due to advertising either) according to Higgins; "We got great melodic songs and people dig our shit, can't possibly look me in the eye and tell me that "Brandy", 'White Black", and "Search and Destroy" aren't fucking great songs and ideas,....we're among the best" Says Hagins. Haggins says that he feels that the Rock n Roll hall of fame is a joke and that his life of pain growing up in the "South bay" area of Torrance and Redondo beach Ca are keys in G.e's massive web success; "I was the last of 8 children and i had no friends,.....people disrespected me and people hate me,.....thats the bottom line,.....if they hate me all because I am more talented than every one else then I don't care,....I don't like hate,.....hate is a bad evil thing,...and I don't hate people or judge them usually no matter what,....unless they're a total fucking douchebag or some shit like that,....I have always supported other people and musicians,.....and I have a strong history of encouraging other people to continue,....and pursue their art,....I don't EVER discourage people - thats for sure !!!" Haggins says that the pressure for him and G.e. to stay on top and always be number one in the world is immense on the net; "They hate me 'cause I'm good,.....and thats a good thang to be hated for,......I'm the most known and watched thing EVER to come out of the South Bay and they know it,....I got great songs and I've lived a Great life and this is a tough business , get where I've gotten, get 1000 views a day at Vimeo is tough - ask anybody !!" - Haggins and Greenhouse Effect recently started their first Facebook Site in October 2010 and already they have 1000 Facebook Friends; "Facebook really doesn't make that big of a difference yet" Says Higgins "We already have 30,000 Myspace friends so I'm not completely sold on Facebook yet,....and I think all those bands out there wasting their time on tour and making no money while their Labels make it all is just plain sad - a real tragedy,...its like slavery". Many People Wonder of Hagins and G.e's seeming "obsession" with staying heavily viewed on the web; "I'm a guy who is used to being told that he's "Nowhere" and a "Nobody" and that I'm just a piece of shit and I'm like ..."i'll teach you fuckers a lesson,...I'll fix you good" Says Higgins. ROCK CITY PROMOTIONS BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS SUPERNETCELEBRITYCOM

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