Friday, October 1, 2010

Live Version 89' "Precarious" Greenhouse-Effect-Songs Redondo-Beach Ca. #Seo #Marketing #Jango #Twitter

Live Version 89' "Precarious" Greenhouse-Effect-Songs Redondo-Beach Ca. #Seo #Marketing #Jango #Twitter
Live Version 89' "Precarious" Greenhouse-Effect-Songs Redondo-Beach Ca. #Seo #Marketing #Jango #Twitter

274,924 Views - Coke Snorting. This powerful Song hits hard with the big attack of some brutal tight drumming thunder from Clark Hagins and some of the internet's best Swirling Guitar work From Phil Keegan. Bassist Rick Carmody locks down this heavy track with some very active scaley bass playing. This rather Long track hits mightily with a devestating arrangement built around Guitarist Phil Keegan's punishing solos that become interwoven in to the general idea of the song and melody !! "You are hated here,...So you have to conform" sings a snarling Clark Hagins in a voice almost reminding one of Axl Rose meets Ozzy; "To the drunken Rat Race,...Nobody knows your real face,....As you are such a coward, swaring and bragging,..'got to keep up with your ; Coke Snortin' Love boys" - The classic lyrics hit home with a 'reality rock' type of feel. At this point of the band - in May of 1990, the three piece trio known simply as G.e. were recording with the South bay's studio wizard in Engineer Bill Krodel,...who pulled every ounce of talent, energy, and sound out of G.e. "That little 3 song E.p. cassette "Immorally Moral" was one of our most tightest and most professional recordings of the Phil Keegan guitar era" says Clark Hagins; "We became an amazing band at that point - but I felt that we were going a little bit too much metal and hard rock alternative,...there was this other sound that I was looking for ,..that I often got a vibe of in like Flipside Magazine and other Punk Zines like that,....thats where I came up with the idea for "Ben is dead" and "Star" - Songs influenced by the Ambuoy Dukes and the James Gang but also the Buzzcocks and Black Flag ,..that would come later in early 1991,..but there was a bit of a 'prog rock still' transition as me and Ted recorded "America the Beautiful" and "Wilson Phillips" with Krodel at Jet City Sound in El Segundo California , and those songs still sounded kinda heavy rock. The final sessions with Keegan were at Pendragon Studios in North Redondo Beach in May of 90' - a studio which I believe is still now owned by Don Dokken - if you look at that final video from 1992 that me, Ted (Rick Carmody on bass) and Palle shot with Jeff Hrzina our camera man, you can see all this concert gear that has "Dokken" stamped all over it - in the background.. -- ..."Precarious" is Sick !!" says Clark Hagins "That Song was always amazing Live with Flipper and me both rocking out a clinic in Garage Power,....and Ted too ,..he contributed much always to G.e." Precarious is the Song that introduced G.e. to the World as it is the very first track from February 1988's "Global Warming" cd. "Precarious was definitely the definitive early statement stance that was the beginnings of G.e." says Hagins "The guitar from Keegan hits with such power - such pure grunge,..We were straight from a garage and I love the lyrics, singing, and the song's whole ambiance; "So what can I do for you ?? You say you'd like your soul saved ?" starts out the words of the song which seem more like poetry of a man or soul speaking to the Good Lord on a judgement day somewhere in the breeze of time; "Suddenly you believe in me, that we're standing face to face" - "I really love the lyrics on that track because I remember us all being young,...we were guys raised in the South bay ,..and going to the Catholic faith was as much a part of our lives or more as searching for pot, beer, and chicks, and getting laid,..and doing all the nasty things we must !!" says Hagins "Precarious reminded me that I was gonna die,...and what would happen if I suddenly met up with the Lord whilst drunk or high ??, was a real thing to contemplate,...We all lived dangerously back their in Torrance with partying - but I guess that is what you have to do when you are from a total party town and yer an irishman bum , seeking fun,...Me? I was very small, meek, and pathetic, was tough to get a date,...I had to often turn to the Lord in prayer - but it often didn't work - You just have to wait for your time" - Precarious goes down in history as one of Greenhouse Effect's greatest songs and most chilling garage grunge rock anthems what with the frantic drumming from Hagins and the circular heavy distorted guitar from Phil Keegan. The song hits with power as bassist Rick Carmody simply holds on for the ride, all the while clicking the song together, contributing to making the short little powerful track an absolute classic !! ============================== ------------------------------------------ 367,929 Views - "All the web traffic that I get gives me total confidence - all the confidence in the World" says Clark Hagins "Greenhouse Effect are the greatest,...We bring a smile to people's faces world wide and we bring musical enjoyment - isn't that what its all about ??" The Greenhouse Effect seem to feast mightily off two of their 93 songs in "Brandy" and "The White Black Song" but Hagins seems to be quite sentimental when discussing the "Phil Keegan on guitar era" of G.e. "Those were great times then" says Hagins "We were a buncha stoner loser alcoholics, was fun".... 'SIX FEET UNDER' - the Phil Keegan Song seems to build it's own collosal web traffic for G.e. as other Greenhouse tracks rack up the net's biggest numbers,...sometimes dwarfing the biggest videos from Susan Boyle, Perez Hilton, and Tila Tequila. "I think the key to G.e. is we got great songs - We have the best songs in the world and people know it" says Clark Hagins who lives today as a Swimming Pool cleaner in Oceaanside California. "G.e. is the number one thing in my life after my wife" says Hagins. Greenhouse Effect process quite well with their very ordinary 'nice guy' looks and nerdy white suburban demeanor. "We were all a buncha losers except for Flipper,..that guy was a winner of a dude,...I don't know what the hell he was doing ,..hanging around with G.e." As the final days of G.e. beckoned in late 1991 and early 1992, Hagins penned two of his greatest Songs in Brandy and "White Black" but it is 'other G.e. material" that is even closer to his heart. I Like "People (that won't back down)" and "Coke Snorting" ,..I think that Phil Keegan puts on one of rock's all time Greatest guitar displays there,...that song is awesome." Phil Keegan plays one of rock's most critical roles in the early days of the three piece G.e. as he muddys up the guitar waters, stepping upon ear splitting loud effects pedals and wah wahs to create the earliest "Grunge Rock" or "Fuzz Rock" with songs like Precarious, Racers, The Magic Man, Little Man, and 3/4. - "A Current Affair" is one of the most popular G.e. songs online and it is a Phil Keegan guitar driven classic , that is getting big web traffic and downloads for the Earth's most watched band. So does 'Mr. South Bay' see him, Rick Carmody on bass, and Keegan hooking up any time soon to play some shows and record a new G.e. album opus magnum ??? "It would be nice,..Cause I know now that we would make a lot of money,...We would make a ton of money,...but money is not why I rock,..I rock for the melody and to convey the pain,....I love being miserable, sad, and depressed,...those are the greatest things in life" says Hagins "Racers is probobly my favorite G.e. song because it is so sad, is devestating, makes you cry and go "wtf", is trully pathetic - just like my life,..and Flipper blasts it with like this totally muddy distorted guitar but its sorta like surf rock too, its weird ,...that is one weird song,...that whole 1988 album is just incredible except for the song "Actor",..I hate that one because it sounds too confident,...its too much like Metal". Greenhouse Effect say that way back in their prime days of 1986 through 89 and 90',..they liked nothing more than being depressed, smoking tons of marijuana, and drinking gallons of alcohol at Rick Carmody's Redondo Beach house ,..then they would eventually get around to blasting the neighborhood with their music; "But everybody loved us" says Hagins "The cops never came when we jammed at Ted's house because we were so good,..we were so tight,....People were listening in awe and very attentively outside,...they knew we were the greatest, ...Keegan would have us playing Zeppelin covers like 'Dazed and Confused' and 'Communication breakdown". ==================================== --------------------- 67,923 Views - For the Past 6 Years all Over the internet, No other Alternative Rock band has blasted the Web and marched forward with Power Like the way the Mighty "Greenhouse Effect" Of Los Angeles California has !! G.e. hit hard with two of Rock's most devestating FM RADIO Power Anthems with "Brandy" and "White Black Thang" also simply known as the "White Black Song". And these songs are NOT FROM 2007 OR 2008 OR 2009 AT ALL ! ....YES, THE BRUTAL STUNNING TRUTH IS these songs BOTH come from the Long ago distant year of 1991 When G.e. were fighting hard to score a recording Label contract back in their prime. "The impressive vulnerability in Brandy is just so real, powerful, and sad" says Clark Hagins "It really is Rock's original emo song anthem ,....and the technical politics and production of White Black is a real grabber,....I have to thank the way that the Late Sound Engineer Bill Krodel mixed that - he made it the Song that it is". The two songs seem to work well when cranked up loud over your computers speakers says Hagins; "We want to bring back the melody of the Beatles and the Monkees and the Hollies and all that 60's pop but mix it with emo " says Hagins "The two Songs don't sound anything like each other,...infact they sound as if they come from two entirely different rock bands,...thats the way that G.e. is - We are different every time,...You can't tell if the song is by G.e. or not,...and THAT is the key to our Large success World wide all over the internet, aren't sure,...they are never sure if they are listening to the mighty Greenhouse Effect or not "". Greenhouse Effect brag and boast of a very diverse sound that is void of today's hip hop or emo but rather they focus on 'the good old days' of bands like the Guess Who, the Doors, and Hermans Hermits. "It really works to a charm" says Clark Hagins "Fans love melody,...they will always love big melodys and G.e. has the best in the world - Everybody knows that !! now" - The Mighty 60's propel G.e. and Hagins often thinks of the death of Bill Krodel and how he cannot bring himself to record without his beloved "Billy". "Bill Krodel 'made' the Sound of G.e." says Hagins "When Billy died, ,..i felt that was trully the end of G.e.,...many of my songs were about him,....and or inspired by him and his life,....Now, these songs that were mixed and produced by him are some of the biggest and most heard in the world from country to country and it is sad that Billy never lived to see all this - it breaks my heart,..but I know that Billy is with me all the time,....I've seen him in my dreams and he acknowledges the success of G.e. with a smile ....the guy still is a total prankster - even in the afterlife". - Greenhouse Effect crush listeners daily with their catchy songs that often come with very brutal 'truthful' lyrics that seem to shoot from the hip and straight from the heart. "I had the world's toughest childhood as everybody knows and it comes out as pragmaticism in my lyrics" says Hagins. "We're the most awesome thing on the internet and people enjoy it" says Hagins "We are more than a rock band,..we are a Life and a 'way' of life" - The take no prisoners politics and very direct way that is G.e. is very fixed and rigid and Hagins says that it is the key to the likability in G.e. for people everywhere; "We are like some priest at a church that says its his way or the highway and people can see that we are in the right" says Hagins "We are trully entertaining but above all, G.e. is inspiring ,..we want others to get into 1960's and 70's rock and get away from the monotony of Rap and hip hop and today's crap like Green Day,..we think that all those suck" Hagins sees no comeback plans from G.e. as he and the others in the band "rarely speak". "Theres still a ton of bad feeling and tension between me and Keegan ,..and Ted (Rick Carmody) doesn't respect me" say Hagins "I have had some wonderful chats with drummer Marty Silva and Greg Tarpley recently though,....they have been beneficial" - "There has been a lot of drama with G.e. and concerning all , is a mess,..the whole thing has been a nightmare" admits Hagins "Everybody knows that not only should we have been signed but we were destined to be one of the biggest groups of all time and people say that I blew it ,..I guess with my attitude and all,..but people know now,...that if you saw my upbringing and all - the way that I was raised,..i was very defensive and not good with criticism and that was always one of the things that was ALL I GOT,...I had to close my eyes and keep my nose to the grindstone and tough it out and turn into a robot,...and when i got to the recording studio or a gig ,..that is where all the art just came out - With power". In the Stunning 'White Black Song' Hagins view of reality and the fantasy of Rock seem to collide and overlap in a shocking way as Hagins exclaims "No more Whites - No more Blacks - We're all stuck here". At the time the song was recorded in May of 1991, Hagins seemed to sense the coming bad vibes and revolution brewing fall out from the March 91' beating of Rodney G. King by Los Angeles Police Officers. "White Black" was a song that I planned to put away and never release but I did test the waters by putting out a few copies of it at Go Boy Records in the early summer of 1991 and I will never forget what they all said,..they were like; This song is a power anthem, Van halen or Def Leppard and yet it very much 'is' alternative - its weird....its kinda country in a way ,..maybe sorta Springsteen (Laughs)". I think that the time that ,that song was recorded is what makes it so great, really is a Great song but it is also very cheesey and Lame in a way kinda like Iggy Pop when he tries too hard,.. ,..because obviously it is so immature and poppy, trully was the 'invention' of the 1990's right then and there !! Immediately Like 6 major Labels called my house phone inquiring about it,...I remember that Craig Aaronson at Geffen Records told me that he had 'never heard anything like it before in his life" but that still he didn't feel it in his heart somehow - I know its not exactly really a 'liberal' song - its too concerned with really does sound good when you crank it up loud - I tell people - don't listen to my songs quietly down low volume,..they don't work that way - you gotta crank them LOUDLY,...they are classics,..sorta alot like Ziggy era David Bowie,..thats how we are". Hagins says that he didn't officially begin to rethink the potential of 'White Black' until nearly one year after it was recorded when the L.A. Riots happened; "They had Rodney King on tv in the middle of the riots and he was just devestated and suddenly he uttered "we're all stuck here" and when i heard that - I was stunned,..I 'knew' that that was a moment that God - The Lord was talking to 'me' and 'only ' to 'me',...thats when i was like "oh shit,..I missed my own boat !! I blew it,....I immediately began mass marketing the song everywhere and everybody liked it but people were like ,..damn,...this song is powerful,..its scary -yet its cheesey too, its weird,..its got it all,..its silly, its funny, its controversial, its lame,..and all at the same time,..its really GOOD !!!" - "ITS THE DEFINITION OF A CLASSIC" Says Hagins. "BRANDY" IS ANOTHER SONG THAT HAS IT'S OWN "LEGEND" in the South Bay area of Redondo Beach and Torrance; "Alot of people say that this song is about this really pretty cute chick that I once fancied long ago in the South Bay named Brandy Donatz or that possibly it's about her sister Lisa (L.A. Model who once dated Andy Dick),....but it is not - it has nothing to do with them,...I didn't even know them when this song was recorded in December of 1991,...the song was named for studio engineer Bill Krodel's drinking habits,..I said,.."Hey Billy ,..what should I call this song and he was like 'call it Brandy cause thats what I was drinking all week end" - and THATS how the song got it's name,....its probobly the only Greenhouse Effect song that was inspired by the success of Nirvana and Kurt Cobain but I also mixed in the Cure and the Smiths too,...I wanted to make like this really wussy wimpy emo song that was very KROQ FM,..but then I added these guitars and Bill Krodel put like this crazy high end distortion all over them and I said "Put all the big guitars in one speaker Billy - sorta like Sgt. Pepper' and he did and it worked to perfection,..the song is just simply great,....Alot of the A & R's who heard it all said it was a classic but I think they didn't believe in me way back then for the same reasons in general why people don't believe in me,..things like the fact that I am short and meek and kinda a too cool little guy - kinda like a Joe Dirt ,..people wanna root for big scary guys with a buncha tattoos and all that and THAT is definitely not me,..back then at the time ofcourse, I didn't know all this shit ,..that I now know at age 44 !! but I guess this is the kinda thinking going on down at the record Labels..." - "I was sorta happy to see a pussy wimpy guy like Rivers Cuomo make it big with Weezer because it gives small honest guys everywhere hope but at the same time I was angry bitter and jealous too because when all those emo bands were hitting it big back in the 90's i was like "Why can't THAT be me ?????? ======================= HAGINS says that he almost gets into a hypgnotic 'alpha state' when doing the thing he loves the most which is writing about his beloved G.e. "G.e. is a total contridiction and I love contridictions" says Hagins "People say that they don't understand me at all and that I don't make any sense and I think that THAT is one of the most beautiful things in the world and one of the most accurately inaccurate artistic things that can be said about me and that trully defines me ,..sort of,..." Hagins Laughs at a Music Industry that he feels totally made a mistake in ignoring the Mighty G.e. "The Record Labels try and try to come up with bands that are similar and sorta like G.e. but they can't do it,...THAT cannot be done" says Hagins "G.e. is unimitable,...they were one of a kind,..and like a needle in a hay stack,....We're simply just too original" says Hagins. ================================= "Alot of people ignored me in my life,...I have to work extra hard to finally 'convince' them that not only am I (and the other guys in G.e.) really good,...but that also we are One of the best Rock acts of all time - three hundred years from now when i am dead, I want the world of tomorrow to 'know' that G.e. was the Greatest band of all time !!!! ----------------------------------------- Getting the Biggest Web traffic in the music industry and 'always' picking up a ton of fans (Like the 16,000 at their Reverb Nation Profile) constantly always assures G.e. of a daily Mighty Large audience for their songs ; "People Like our music ,..what else can I say" says Hagins. ========================= - TAGS ; tiger woods, twitter, tiger cheating, tila, lawsuits, perez hilton, aids, obama prize, mellon quartet, south bay, bill krodel, susan boyle, simon, paula, ryan seacrest, kroq, ozzy, metallica, kurt, grohl, drumming, Hagins, halogen tv, elvis, god  

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