Thursday, September 30, 2010

Funky-TV Rocks !! = #Seo = #Greenhouse - #RedondoBeach = #JangoRadio #Emo - #Blogger #CNN - MostViews

Funky-TV Rocks !!  = =  -  =   -  - MostViews

Funky-TV Rocks !!  =  -  =   -  - MostViews

To all of Our Jango-Radio Fans and Listeners EVERYWHERE !!! Email and Jango.FM Bulletin Sept 2010.

Greenhouse Effect Myspace and Facebook Ads !!

Powerful Music Videos Rock Blip-Tv and Mefeedia, Naruto and Japan !! Vimeo Videos and Truveo Too !

Hey Whats Up G.e. Listeners !!

Greenhouse Effect's Music is ofcourse the Most unique and unusual thing on the internet,...Our Songs are quite different and unconventional from the norm but ofcourse 'thats' what makes G.e. so incredible out there in cyberspace !!

One has to really listen to our whole songs to feel the hook - and then u wanna go back and listen again - yeah,...we know the whole deal and routine ... !

But we're much more than just good songwriters - We're Great Live - so make sure that YOU check out as much LIVE FOOTAGE of the band as you possibly can because "that" is so important ! - As the most watched and downloaded band on the web,....we have to continue to strive and entertain millions and its hard ,...but we do it , in and day out --Check out our ads if you happen to be in yer Myspace or Facebook ; We feel that they are really effective, funny and good !!

Theres pressure on G.e. always to "keep" at the top of the web ,..and maintain our status as Top entertainment,..

Getting to the top was tough ,...but "staying' there is the real hard work - THE TEST !!

GREENHOUSE EFFECT MUSIC takes chances - We don't sound anything like everybody else,..and we rely on FANS LIKE YOU - TO always keep us rocking !!

WE rock You
and YOU ROCK US !!

its an unwritten agreement in rock cyberspace !!!

well,..keep on rockin !! I wanna recommend also this band called 'THE REVERSE ENGINEERS' they're from Florida so Google them !!

take care

Shark G.e.
Greenhouse Effect Songs
World Wide

We Do it ALL on a Shoe-string Budget too - Believe Me !!
if you Only knew !!!!

Clark Haggins Music / Blogging / Poetry / Songs / World's Most Watched Videos / Well-Read Writings.

Songcast Videos - Greenhouse Effect Songs "Coke Snorting" BMI SuperNetCelebrities.Com from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force onVimeo.
"Coke Snorting" (May 1990) Greenhouse-Effect Songs. The World's Most Watched Band rocks the Web with the Net's best Music Like this classic from the "Immorally Moral" 3 Song Mini-Cassette E.p.
Clark Hagins has become the Absolute Master of Writing and Repasting extremely Long blogs or in some cases just copying them "(When i get sick of it,...)" Says Haggins with a Laugh;  Blogging and Google adsense are the keys to G.e. music success all around the World on the internet,...."Some People are just really fucking stupid and they will sit there and read quite alot of my shit,....'thats when they get really into the band" Says Haggins. "My dad was a writer,....he would stay up long nights writing about the Catholic Faith ,...He was quite obsessed ,... He was devoutly into the Lord,....I am into the Lord too ,...but I'm way more into G.e." (Laughs) Says Higgins. Writing extremely long and often brutally angry, terse, Vengeful  blogs is an extreme joy and passion for the bitter younger Haggins who seems to take great delight in extolling or doing what-ever he wants; "Alot of people have been real nasty fuckers to me,..all my life,...and I am a very sweet and innocent nice guy ,....I'm way not the kind of cat that one should be a fucker to,..but people are fuckers to me nonetheless ,... but they know now, that they better watch out and be very careful - when they fuck with me now,... because I can write fuckin' shit about em' (Laughs) ,...AND EVERYBODY LISTENS TO ME",...And E-V-E-R-Y-BODY watches my band 24-7 now" - Haggins says that he discovered his writing skills quite by accident when he was a member of the Board in a Swimming Pool Technicians organization; "I wrote in their monthly newsletter just once or twice and I fuckin' dug it,...I remember there was some dude in there that got in my face right infront of abuncha the guys and he said he was gonna kick my ass or some shit like that,...ya know ,..tryin' to humiliate me infront of people Democrat style ,...a set up,.."Gotcha" kinda shit,...and I've never forgotten 'that' moment because as usual, it was some misunderstanding and I had done absolutely nothing wrong to anybody ,...its the kinda shit that I've seen alot of times before with my family ,...I'm a very quiet and nice chap who minds his own business and goes to church on Sunday ,..its not cool when people mess with me ,...I ain't a person like that ,...I'm a mellow dude  who is respectful and supportive of others,...and if I don't get 'that' from people ,..or if somebody sells me a bad tire for my truck,...I'm gonna fuckin' write some shit about em' - you can fucking bet on it fucker" Haggins says that his goal is just about 'always' to beat readers and listeners down mentally by literally "writing them to death into an almost hypgnotic sleep" - "They get way into G.e. that way,..I win fans over and they will buy mp3's and or download alot of our shit,.....basically, I do almost the exact same thing that Fox News does,....I hit them with mercilous "over" information and mega-words over-kill ,..before they even know whats goin' on ,...and they relate to my songs and life, builds me a fan or a Twitter or Facebook Follower for life forever ,... who will enjoy the music ,..whether they agree with me on issues or shit or not,... they can plainly see that i stick totally to my ideals - for better or for worse,.... Its the kinda shit that a moron like Bill O"Reilly or Glen Beck would love (Laughs)" Says Higgins. The Michael Savage and Mark Levin Radio Shows are Haggins' two most passioned enjoyments; "Michael Savage is way better but Levin is pretty good ,....they are both insane, pissed off demented guys with issues like me and I fucking Love that shit" Says Higgins. As one of the world's most known and read bloggers, Hagins says that he doesn't worry about competition from other online writers or people like Perez Hilton; "I worry about no one ,..NO ONE !!,...I KNOW that i am the best in the World at this shit - and everybody else who reads me knows it too,... You have to have suffered great hardship and adversity to be as good as me and I am quite clearly THE BEST at this shit ,...let me tell ya,... Perez Hilton has no fucking talent at all ,..that guy is a fucking Douchebag ,..... He could never write a song because he is a feelingless, passionless, robot ,..he has no soul ,...HE HAS NOTHING !! He can't even cry.....

Monsters of Myspace, Youtube; Greenhouse Effect, Top Myspace Bands "22nd Street" from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

Song Chronology Greenhouse Effect_Songs-History - Clark Haggins BMI Music Adsense

Songcast Videos - Greenhouse Effect Songs "Coke Snorting" BMI SuperNetCelebrities.Com from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force on Vimeo.
"Coke Snorting" (May 1990) Greenhouse-Effect Songs. The World's Most Watched Band rocks the Web with the Net's best Music Like this classic from the "Immorally Moral" 3 Song Mini-Cassette E.p.
Clark Hagins has become the Absolute Master of Writing and Repasting extremely Long blogs or in some cases just copying them "(When i get sick of it,...)" Says Haggins with a Laugh; "Blogging and Google adsense are the keys to G.e. music success all around the World on the internet,....Some People are just really fucking stupid and they will sit there and read quite alot of my shit,....'thats when they get really into the band" Says Haggins. "My dad was a writer,....he would stay up long nights writing about the Catholic Faith ,...He was quite obsessed ,... He was devoutly into the Lord,....I am into the Lord too ,...but I'm way more into G.e." (Laughs) Says Higgins. Writing extremely long and often brutally angry, terse, Vengeful  blogs is an extreme joy and passion for the bitter younger Haggins who seems to take great delight in extolling or doing what-ever he wants; "Alot of people have been real nasty fuckers to me,..all my life,...and I am a very sweet and innocent nice guy ,....I'm way not the kind of cat that one should be a fucker to,..but people are fuckers to me nonetheless ,... but they know now, that they better watch out and be very careful - when they fuck with me now,... because I can write fuckin' shit about em' (Laughs) ,...AND EVERYBODY LISTENS TO ME",...And E-V-E-R-Y-BODY watches my band 24-7 now" - Haggins says that he discovered his writing skills quite by accident when he was a member of the Board in a Swimming Pool Technicians organization; "I wrote in their monthly newsletter just once or twice and I fuckin' dug it,...I remember there was some dude in there that got in my face right infront of abuncha the guys and he said he was gonna kick my ass or some shit like that,...ya know ,..tryin' to humiliate me infront of people Democrat style ,...a set up,.."Gotcha" kinda shit,...and I've never forgotten 'that' moment because as usual, it was some misunderstanding and I had done absolutely nothing wrong to anybody ,...its the kinda shit that I've seen alot of times before with my family ,...I'm a very quiet and nice chap who minds his own business and goes to church on Sunday ,..its not cool when people mess with me ,...I ain't a person like that ,...I'm a mellow dude  who is respectful and supportive of others,...and if I don't get 'that' from people ,..or if somebody sells me a bad tire for my truck,...I'm gonna fuckin' write some shit about em' - you can fucking bet on it fucker"

Coke Snortin' Love Boyz = Greenhouse Effect 2oo8

The explosion of music by Greenhouse Effect on the internet has taken the world by storm! Songs Like 'Precarious', People that won't back down, Coke Snortin' love boys, The Magic Man, Ben is dead, Star, White Black Thang, Misogynistia, Dead End Street, Addicted, "BRANDY" !! ...the list of great tracks goes on and on by the little three piece band that dominates the internet...the nucleous of this group is basically the two man songwriting machine duo known as Rick Carmody and Clark Haggins. Carmody ofcourse would go on to play bass for huge south bay punk rock band The One Handed Readers in Redondo Beach... Says Clark Hagins; "People around the world like our music because it is different..we definitely don't sound like the same old boring shit that you hear at kroq and 91-x, those fucking radio stations are worthless hunks of shit that need to go out of business..and no one is listening to them anymore...their arbitron ratings are in the shitter ass toilet !! THEY LISTEN TO GREENHOUSE EFFECT NOW !..if they have a clue...and many all over the planet on the net...they do...they're tuned in to G.e. now !!" Original guitarist Phil Keegan says that G.e. was so good because; "We just had this us against the world mentality,..but you can read my writings and blog at sAYS cLARK hIGGINS; "wE'VE GOT PROFESSIONALS WORKING WITH US, MAILING OUT OUR MUSIC TO RADIO STATIONS ..and they won't play our stuff ! tHIS WHOLE BIG MEDIA COMPLEX THING WHERE 'YOU HAVE TO HAVE A RECORD LABEL DEAL WITH ONE OF THOSE SCHMUCK COMPANYS DOWN IN hOLLYWOOD IS A PIECE OF SHIT SCAM racket !! fUCK THAT !! We get more internet traffic than ANY BAND IN THE WORLD - They should play G.e. on those merits alone !! I don't wanna end up in bankruptcy court being another one of those bands thats being paid 20 cents for every one of my cd's sold while some label is busy buying up their own cd's in bulk to send them up the charts; THAT MY FRIENDS IS A SCAM RIGHT THERE...its also illegal under fcc rules too!! Record labels who do that shit so that Green day can get played 10,000 times a day on our fm radios...well that is a racket scam !! And it needs to be investigated...meanwhile, my fucking band has been the biggest thing in the world now for like the last 8 months...and nobody knows about us on the streets 'cause the fucking radio stations won't play us...and also they won't play heavy metal music from the 80's style...they won't play bands like Dragonforce, the Darkness, and Airbourne on our American radios...while they fuckin' play endless Pearl Jam and Rage against the machine...well, THATS NOT FUCKING FAIR...AND IT AIN'T RIGHT !! We always hear liberal people saying how "openminded" that they are...well, they ain't fucking openminded at all..they're fucking nazi's !! They lockstep and play the same old that yer kid'l be dumb and be just another potfuck ! Thats how Bush wants it !

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vodpod_Video - More Early Shit & the Flipper! Guitarist_Phil-Keegan - Greenhouse-Effect_Music "Think About it"

More Early Shit & the Flipper! Guitarist_Phil-Keegan - Greenhouse-Effect_Music "Think About it" 

Blogger - Blogspot // "People (That Won't Back Down)" Greenhouse Effect Songs Adsense

153,026 Views - Zeus-1000-internet_Marketing 'Waiting 4 Your Love 2 Fail!' Greenhouse_Songs 1990 Clark-Hagins - "People (That Won't back down)" 1992 is a David Bowie-Like Song that Clark Hagins acknowledges as 'probobly one of G.e's best'. - Zeus-1000-internet_Marketing 'Waiting 4 Your Love 2 Fail!' Greenhouse_Songs 1990 Clark-Hagins - "People (That Won't back down)" 1992 is a David Bowie-Like Song that Clark Hagins acknowledges as 'probobly one of G.e's best'. "People like this track alot,...its right there with "Five years" and "Brandy". This Summer of May 1992 Song was recorded the same day as "Ballad Of Kurt Cobain" and "Search and Destroy" . "No Takers",..that was also recorded that day is One of Clark Hagins' favourite all time G.e. Songs. "People that won't back down" is a song that has bits of 1971 "Who's next" stylings, the drums are reminiscent of "Going Mobile" and "Bargain" as the song is also heavily influenced by Heart, Dire Straights, and the Moody Blues as well as a 1969 instrumental classic that Hagins forgets the name; "People say its such a rip off of this one song by like Jose Feliciano or some shit,.....People know that i rip off song parts and they make it an even worse situation than it is (Laughs)" says Haggins. "I am heavily into the Who and classic rock - what can i do,...if a Franki Valli song sneaks into a G.e. hook,..I just go with it" - 'People' has become one of the biggest G.e. Songs online with millions of views at GoogleVideoCom and Haggins accepts the compliments of the Song as the classic that it is; "People' is a great song and i wrote it, it as Good as "Brandy",..I donno,...theres always pressure on me online,..I write the best shit that there is,..this ain't rap music or Katy Perry or Bieber type of shit ,..i write real songs ,...if it ain't like Pet Sounds or Sgt. Pepper than i don't fuck around with it ,...its gotta be good shit"

Blogspot_Greenhouse_Songs = #Seo - #Marketing Funky_TV_Videos #Bliptv - #GE = #Marketing = #Views #it

Blogspot_Greenhouse_Songs = #Seo - #MarketingFunky_TV_Videos #Bliptv - #GE = #Marketing = #Views #it

Blogspot_Greenhouse_Songs = #Seo - #MarketingFunky_TV_Videos #Bliptv - #GE = #Marketing = #Views #it

Greenhouse Effect Recording Chronology History - Greenhouse Effect Music internet

Seo_Profit Greenhouse-Song #Seo#Reciprocal
Alot of People all around the World Want to know the Greenhouse Effect Los Angeles Music Recording History Chronology. When was the "White Black Song" recorded exactly ? When did they do "Brandy" ?? At what Point was "Ben is Dead" recorded ? When did they do that Famous Cover of "Wring that neck" by Deep Purple ?? And at what point did they lay down classics like "The Magic Man" and 'Racers' ? "We're the World's first recorded and organized 'Grunge' band" Says Clark_Haggins in February 2008. "And we're the World's Most watched band,...but we're mainly like a David Hasselhoff kinda thing,....they love us in Europe and especially in Germany mainly,....Australia too... (Laughs)" Says Haggins of his infamously "Viewed" Mega-Rock Three piece band that features Zany Red haired wacko Bassist Rick Carmody and Dutch Looking Drummer Palle Carlson at one point,..and ofcourse sporting Phil Keegan's_Guitar (Dr. Phil) in the band's early stages. "The recording history is so important with G.e" says Higgins "People wanna know all about the best band that there is,....and they wanna know about all the Wilson Park Fests and that gig at the Hermosa Saloon,.... they want all the facts about the World's Most Watched band of the web,....and I'm gonn give it to em' _ I gotta !!!".
Seo_Profit Greenhouse-Song #Seo#Reciprocal
378,624 Views- Greenhouse Effect Mixtape Recording History @ 1988; Official Greenhouse Effect - the first album recorded February March 1988 @ South Bay Sound Gardena California titled "Global Warming" ; Precarious, Number One, Think About it, Wring that Neck, Racers, the Magic Man, Little Man, Actor .... All songs written musically by Phil Keegan. Arrangement help and lyrics by Clark Hagins. Additional arrangement help Rick Carmody. Recorded by Dan. ( Flipside Magazine Review #59 ! February 89')1989; Official Greenhouse Effect album; March to May 1989 @ South Bay Sound Gardena with Bill Rothenberg ; "The Four Song E.p." (Limited vinyl) ; 3/4, A Current Affair, Six Feet Under, Snake ... All songs written by Phil Keegan. Arrangement help and lyrics by Clark Hagins except "Six Feet Under" by Keegan. Rick Carmody; additional arrangement help. (Ben is dead magazine review 1989)1990; Official Greenhouse Effect album release ; Recorded May 1990 @ Pendragon Studio Redondo Beach with Bill Krodel Studio sound engineer ; "Immorally Moral" 3 song cassette (no cd) ; Coke Snortin' love boyz, Virus O'Syrus, Waiting for your love to fail! Music by Phil Keegan. Arrangement help and lyrics by Clark Hagins. Rick Carmody; arrangement help. (Factsheet Five Magazine ads and review June 1990 !)1990; 2 songs recorded by Clark Hagins and Rick Carmody alone. August 1990 ; "America the Beautiful" and "Wilson Phillips" ; Mark Nathanson and Bill Krodel engineer at WBR Recording Studio (Later renamed Jet City Sound) El Segundo Calif. . Lyrics and music mainly by Clark Hagins. Rick Carmody; arrangement help on "Wilson Phillips".1991; 6 Songs recorded at A.L.S. STUDIOS (Accessive Light and Sound) in Harbor City / Lomita area California; February, March 1991 with engineer Andrew Houston ; Dead End Street, Ben is dead, Hey Negrita, Star, God's joke, and 22nd Street. All Songs by Clark Hagins. Bass by Rick Carmody, Some arrangement help; Rick Carmody. Official Album release "Going Legit" March 6, 1991. ( Flipside Magazine review April 1991 # 64)1991; Pre-Prep May 1991 (Recording; June 1991 ; 4 Songs recorded with Bill Krodel engineer @ Jet City Sound El Segundo; "Subdue, Manipulation, the White Black Song, and a cover of the Beatles "Please please me".....All songs by Clark Hagins. Arrangement help and bass Rick Carmody. (Easy Reader Redondo Beach horrified Stunned review June 1991 !)1991, 1992; Pre-prep December 1991 ; Recording January to March 1992 "Brandy" (Recording never completed due to budgetary reasons). Song is shelved til released November 1992 with "Big Teen Dollar$" cd. Song by Clark Hagins. Bass unknown , possibly Rick Carmody or Mark Nathanson or Hagins himself. May/ June 1992; Jet City Sound with Mark Nathanson and Bill Krodel; Search and Destroy, No Takers, the Ballad of Kurt Cobain, People (That won't back down); All instruments by Clark Hagins except bass by Mark Nathanson. Offical G.e. album release June 1992 ; "Agenda" [ 2 different versions of cover art by Clark Hagins and Jeff Snowe of Rock City productions Massachusetts. ] ...8 songs with "Brandy" omitted...August 1992 ; Jet City Sound with mainly Bill Krodel; Addicted, Misogynistia, Five Years, Theme, Katie's Song, Irie Bob. September 1992; Big Teen Dollar$ ; (Jeff Crisfield, Mark Nathanson, Bill Krodel; backing vocals) Engineered by Bill Krodel.October / November 1992; White Suburban Liars, Ripping Reason, then later; "It Ain't Easy", So Much Better, Possibly others (Vocals unknown)... 2 Official album releases ; Big Teen Dollar$ in September 1992 and WHITE SUBURBAN LIAR$ November 1992 (Later redone as "The Rock opera 16 Song Release {but only on cassette due to budget).... SOUND ENGINEER; BILL KRODEL.NOTES; The March 1991 song "Winers, Diners, and Social Climbers" is never recorded in the Studio.Big Teen Dollar$ E.P, ; September 7, 19921. ADDICTED2; MISOGYNISTIA 3; FIVE YEARS 4; BIG TEEN DOLLAR$White Suburban Liar$ (Original cd) December November 1992 on Destroy Disc Records1; Addicted 2; Misogynistia 3; Five Years 4; Brandy 5; Theme 6; Katie's Song 7; Ripping Reason 8; Irie Bob 9; White Suburban Liar$ 10; BIG TEEN DOLLAR$ (FIRST MIX - the final Version)... (atleast three versions all of same songs - various orders)Not released til 2008 September; 2 Tracks ; "It ain't easy" and "So Much Better" or "Better" (Unknown why these two tracks were not on album)- Clark Hagins , 2008FOUNTAIN 'WEIRD' OCTOBER 1994 - OFFICIAL CDTHE ROCK OPERA WHITE SUBURBAN LIAR$ DOUBLE CD ; DECEMBER 5, 1995 [ REVIEW IN FLIPSIDE MAGAZINE # 67 , 1996 !!)THESE TWO CD'S RELEASED ;LATER DUE TO BUDGET AND INTEREST REASONS (Temporary Big rekindled interest in G.e. 1995 and 96' ,..Big Sales @ Go-Boy Record Store Redondo Beach !!)1998; Hagins forms the band "Svengali" with Meatwagon bassist Mike Rimmey and the Jades Guitarist Mark Czerwinski and brother Lead Singer Paul Hagins. The band is short lived,....1999, 2003 - 2004 ; Hagins and Mastermind / World's Apart bassist Dave Basen upload Hagins songs to the fledgling MP3.COM2004 and 2005; Hagins G.e. "Official" Myspace is born !! "Official" Youtube is launched as ; Site is suddenly deleted 2007 !!2007; "The White Black Song" goes to NUMBER ONE VIDEO @ WWW.GOOGLEVIDEO.COM , 2008 "Brandy" spends time in Google's Top 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------"What a drag it is,..gettin' old" - Mick Jagger 1966-------------------- lessTags: asher rothmefeediatilastater brothersvonssusan boyle,iraq warclaptonhip hopindieaidsobamahealthcaremichael savagemsnbc

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 1992. Greenhouse-Effect-Music 1983; Age 18 ,...Performs with Torrance Punk Rock band "Outlash Control"... 1984 / 85' - Rehearses often with Various South Bay Blues/ Rock bands among them "Soul Clinic" With Guitarist_Steve Stepanian and Bassist Rick Carmody as well as Bassist_Dave-Basen. Also Quite Often performs with the fragmented Group that would later become "The Jim Mellon Quartet" - Notes; Later on in 1986, 87 and various Parts of possibly 1988 through 1990, Performs with the "Christine Valley band" (The CVB) With Ohio Guitarist / Vocalist Joe Delsignore (Joe Groovey Dude). Also Plays with Gardena Punk band "BPS"... and others... (All of these on drums only)... 1985, 86' The "Clark Hagins" Solo Demo Tapes. Largely Recorded at South Bay Sound in Gardena California; Some tracks and "Bits" recorded at 251 Redondo Beach with home "Sony" Tape Recorders (Overdubbed). These are heavily organized "Grunge" guitar ideas as heard at BlipTV and other places. The distorted guitars ideas as clashing with "alternative" type songs were 'perfected' first at home in Torrance California before ideas were discussed in studio in an effort to "Capture it" to tape recordings. First Songs Recorded; Late 1985 - Hagins Aged 20 1.) Maury,...A Lad Insane 2.) Soviet! (Feel The Soviet Thunder) 3.) Somethings Wrong with the Boy Engineered By Dan Jamele and Bill Rothenberg 1986; Not in this Order (Months unknown) 1.) Get it Right 2.) Angel Of hell 3.) Magic Fingers 4.) 'Don't Need You 5.) 'Been Her (Tania) 6.) Loser Girl - NOTES; 'This' is one of the most interesting early Clark Higgins Tracks,....right now, Somewhere there is only one (1.) copy of this song floating around the world on a cassette (If it still exists or hasn't been erased somewhere)... 7.) ?? More ? (Unknown)... Recorded by Bill Rothberg and Possible Dan Jammelle at "Media Kitchen" Gardena Calif. (South bay Sound). Note; There "are' other (Possibly Professionally recorded too) Songs from this period. A Possible Song called "Scary Sabbath" was accidentally mailed away to somewhere unknown (And it was the only Cassette copy) The Master Tapes exist but are "Akai 12 track system" tapes,...and those Akai consoles are rarely used post 1992 (And ofcourse in the today World of the 2000's are virtually impossible to find). NOTES; There was a 1987 Recording Session that began with Haggins and Dan Jamale and Lasted mere minutes as Hagins cut the session abruptly short - With due to a stress related Possible Panic Attack !! (A severe nervous condition Hagins has suffered since childhood and still to this day.) "It worked out perfect" Says Higgins "I remember something Like all of a sudden, the guy had to leave anyway" - (Laughs) 1988 - With Guitarist_Phil Keegan, Bassist_Rick Carmody and Greenhouse Effect (February / March 1988) South Bay Sound Co. Gardena California - Likely not in this Order 1.) Precarious 2.) Number One 3.) Think About it (Yardbirds Cover) 4.) Wring that Neck 5.) Racers 6.) The Magic Man 7.) Little Man 8.) Actor 1989 - April / May 89' With Bill Rothenberg - South Bay Sound 1. 3/4 2. A Current Affair 3. Six Feet Under 4. Snake 1990 - May 90' 1.) Virus O'Syrus 2.) Coke Snorting 3.) Waiting for your Love to Fail! 1990 - December 90' - Haggins and Carmody only 1.) Wilson Phillips 2.) America The Beautiful 1991 - January / February 91' - Clark Hagins; Drums, Guitar, Vocals / Rick-Carmody_Bass 1.) Dead End Street 2.) Ben is Dead 3.) Star 4.) Hey Negrita 5.) 22nd Street 6.) God's Joke 1991 - April / May 91' - Haggins and Carmody_Bass - Recorded with Bill Krodel and Mark Nathanson @ Jet City Sound Studios, El Segundo California 1.) Subdue 2.) Manipulation 3.) White Black Thang 4.) Please please me (Beatles Cover). 1991 - November / December / March 92' Mix 1.) Brandy 1992 - May June ( Engineered By Bill Krodel) 1.) Search and Destroy 2.) People (That won't back down). 3.) The Ballad of Kurt Cobain 4.) No Takers 1992 - July / August 1.) Addicted 2.) Misogynistia 3.) Five Years 1992 - September 1.) Big Teen Dollars 1992 - October / November 1.) Theme 2.) Irie Bob 3.) Katy's Song (Gurdle) 4.) So Much Better 5.) It Ain't Easy 6.) White Suburban Liars 7.) Ripping Reason 8.) ?? There are other Complete songs in here believe it or not as well as song "Fragments" recorded Dec and Nov 92' - A cover of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love Me" exists on Hagins' master tapes Recorded by Bill Krodel. Band Officially breaks up in November / December 1992 - There are no more known recorded songs or works beyond this point - Bassist Rick Carmody Officially joined the 'One handed Readers' possibly as early as Summer 1992 in Redondo Beach.

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 1992.

1983; Age 18 ,...Performs with Torrance Punk Rock band "Outlash Control"...

1984 / 85' - Rehearses often with Various South Bay Blues/ Rock bands among them "Soul Clinic" With Guitarist_Steve Stepanian and Bassist Rick Carmody as well as Bassist_Dave-Basen. Also Quite Often performs with the fragmented Group that would later become "The Jim Mellon Quartet" - Notes; Later on in 1986, 87 and various Parts of possibly 1988 through 1990, Performs with the "Christine Valley band" (The CVB) With Ohio Guitarist / Vocalist Joe Delsignore (Joe Groovey Dude). Also Plays with Gardena Punk band "BPS"... and others... (All of these on drums only)...

1985, 86'
The "Clark Hagins" Solo Demo Tapes. Largely Recorded at South Bay Sound in Gardena California; Some tracks and "Bits" recorded at 251 Redondo Beach with home "Sony" Tape Recorders (Overdubbed). These are heavily organized "Grunge" guitar ideas as heard at BlipTV and other places. The distorted guitars ideas as clashing with "alternative" type songs were  'perfected' first at home in Torrance California before ideas were discussed in studio in an effort to "Capture it" to tape recordings.

First Songs Recorded; Late 1985 - Hagins Aged 20

1.) Maury,...A Lad Insane
2.) Soviet! (Feel The Soviet Thunder)
3.) Somethings Wrong with the Boy

Engineered By Dan Jamele and Bill Rothenberg

1986; Not in this Order (Months unknown)
1.) Get it Right
2.) Angel Of hell
3.) Magic Fingers
4.) 'Don't Need You
5.) 'Been Her (Tania)
6.) Loser Girl - NOTES; 'This' is one of the most interesting early Clark Higgins Tracks,....right now, Somewhere there is only one (1.) copy of this song floating around the world on a cassette (If it still exists or hasn't been erased somewhere)...
7.)  ?? More ? (Unknown)...

Recorded by Bill Rothberg and Possible Dan Jammelle at "Media Kitchen" Gardena Calif. (South bay Sound).

Note; There "are' other (Possibly Professionally recorded too) Songs from this period. A Possible Song called "Scary Sabbath" was accidentally mailed away to somewhere unknown (And it was the only Cassette copy) The Master Tapes exist but are "Akai 12 track system" tapes,...and those Akai consoles are rarely used post 1992 (And ofcourse in the today World of the 2000's are virtually impossible to find). NOTES; There was a 1987 Recording Session that began with Haggins and Dan Jamale and Lasted mere minutes as Hagins cut the session abruptly short - With due to a stress related Possible Panic Attack !! (A severe nervous condition Hagins has suffered since childhood and still to this day.) "It worked out perfect" Says Higgins "I remember something Like all of a sudden, the guy had to leave anyway" - (Laughs)

1988 - With Guitarist_Phil Keegan, Bassist_Rick Carmody and Greenhouse Effect (February / March 1988) South Bay Sound Co. Gardena California - Likely not in this Order

1.) Precarious
2.) Number One
3.) Think About it (Yardbirds Cover)
4.) Wring that Neck
5.) Racers
6.) The Magic Man
7.) Little Man
8.) Actor

1989 - April / May 89' With Bill Rothenberg - South Bay Sound

1. 3/4
2. A Current Affair
3. Six Feet Under
4. Snake

1990 - May 90'

1.) Virus O'Syrus
2.) Coke Snorting
3.) Waiting for your Love to Fail!

1990 - December 90' - Haggins and Carmody only

1.) Wilson Phillips
2.) America The Beautiful

1991 - January / February 91' - Clark Hagins; Drums, Guitar, Vocals / Rick-Carmody_Bass

1.) Dead End Street
2.) Ben is Dead
3.) Star
4.) Hey Negrita
5.) 22nd Street
6.) God's Joke

1991 - April / May 91' - Haggins and Carmody_Bass - Recorded with Bill Krodel and Mark Nathanson @ Jet City Sound Studios, El Segundo California

1.) Subdue
2.) Manipulation
3.) White Black Thang
4.) Please please me (Beatles Cover).

1991 - November / December / March 92' Mix

1.) Brandy

1992 - May June ( Engineered By Bill Krodel)

1.) Search and Destroy
2.) People (That won't back down).
3.) The Ballad of Kurt Cobain
4.) No Takers

1992 - July / August

1.) Addicted
2.) Misogynistia
3.) Five Years

1992 - September

1.) Big Teen Dollars

1992 - October / November

1.) Theme
2.) Irie Bob
3.) Katy's Song (Gurdle)
4.) So Much Better
5.) It Ain't Easy
6.) White Suburban Liars
7.) Ripping Reason
8.) ??

There are other Complete songs in here believe it or not as well as song "Fragments" recorded Dec and Nov 92' - A cover of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love Me" exists on Hagins' master tapes Recorded by Bill Krodel.

Band Officially breaks up in November / December 1992 - There are no more known recorded songs or works beyond this point - Bassist Rick Carmody Officially joined the 'One handed Readers' possibly as early as Summer 1992 in Redondo Beach.

Zeus1000-internet-marketer = #Seo #Links = #Blogs #Fuck !

Zeus1000-internet-marketer = #Seo #Links = #Blogs #Fuck !
Zeus1000-internet-marketer = #Seo #Links = #Blogs #Fuck !

Greenhouse_Effect_Song_List #Seo = #Greenhouse #Bliptv #Zeus #Blogspot #Blogger = #Marketing !

Greenhouse_Effect_Song_List #Seo =#Greenhouse #Bliptv #Zeus #Blogspot #Blogger = #Marketing !

Greenhouse_Effect_Song_List #Seo =#Greenhouse #Bliptv #Zeus #Blogspot #Blogger = #Marketing !

Deep Purple Cover Song ' "Wring That Neck" Greenhouse-Effect-Version 1989 Live at the Music Machine Los Angeles.

Live Version 89' - Wring That Neck in HD Google !!

Watching 'Wring That Neck Vod Pod GREENHOUSE EFFECT 1989. LIVE.' @Vodpod - #Seo #Marketing #Greenhouse #Vodpod #Jango !

Watching 'Wring That Neck Vod Pod GREENHOUSE EFFECT 1989. LIVE.' @Vodpod -#Seo #Marketing #Greenhouse #Vodpod #Jango !

Deep Purple Cover Wring That Neck Vod Pod GREENHOUSE EFFECT 1989. LIVE.