Thursday, September 30, 2010

Clark Haggins Music / Blogging / Poetry / Songs / World's Most Watched Videos / Well-Read Writings.

Songcast Videos - Greenhouse Effect Songs "Coke Snorting" BMI SuperNetCelebrities.Com from Greenhouse Effect Boryja force onVimeo.
"Coke Snorting" (May 1990) Greenhouse-Effect Songs. The World's Most Watched Band rocks the Web with the Net's best Music Like this classic from the "Immorally Moral" 3 Song Mini-Cassette E.p.
Clark Hagins has become the Absolute Master of Writing and Repasting extremely Long blogs or in some cases just copying them "(When i get sick of it,...)" Says Haggins with a Laugh;  Blogging and Google adsense are the keys to G.e. music success all around the World on the internet,...."Some People are just really fucking stupid and they will sit there and read quite alot of my shit,....'thats when they get really into the band" Says Haggins. "My dad was a writer,....he would stay up long nights writing about the Catholic Faith ,...He was quite obsessed ,... He was devoutly into the Lord,....I am into the Lord too ,...but I'm way more into G.e." (Laughs) Says Higgins. Writing extremely long and often brutally angry, terse, Vengeful  blogs is an extreme joy and passion for the bitter younger Haggins who seems to take great delight in extolling or doing what-ever he wants; "Alot of people have been real nasty fuckers to me,..all my life,...and I am a very sweet and innocent nice guy ,....I'm way not the kind of cat that one should be a fucker to,..but people are fuckers to me nonetheless ,... but they know now, that they better watch out and be very careful - when they fuck with me now,... because I can write fuckin' shit about em' (Laughs) ,...AND EVERYBODY LISTENS TO ME",...And E-V-E-R-Y-BODY watches my band 24-7 now" - Haggins says that he discovered his writing skills quite by accident when he was a member of the Board in a Swimming Pool Technicians organization; "I wrote in their monthly newsletter just once or twice and I fuckin' dug it,...I remember there was some dude in there that got in my face right infront of abuncha the guys and he said he was gonna kick my ass or some shit like that,...ya know ,..tryin' to humiliate me infront of people Democrat style ,...a set up,.."Gotcha" kinda shit,...and I've never forgotten 'that' moment because as usual, it was some misunderstanding and I had done absolutely nothing wrong to anybody ,...its the kinda shit that I've seen alot of times before with my family ,...I'm a very quiet and nice chap who minds his own business and goes to church on Sunday ,..its not cool when people mess with me ,...I ain't a person like that ,...I'm a mellow dude  who is respectful and supportive of others,...and if I don't get 'that' from people ,..or if somebody sells me a bad tire for my truck,...I'm gonna fuckin' write some shit about em' - you can fucking bet on it fucker" Haggins says that his goal is just about 'always' to beat readers and listeners down mentally by literally "writing them to death into an almost hypgnotic sleep" - "They get way into G.e. that way,..I win fans over and they will buy mp3's and or download alot of our shit,.....basically, I do almost the exact same thing that Fox News does,....I hit them with mercilous "over" information and mega-words over-kill ,..before they even know whats goin' on ,...and they relate to my songs and life, builds me a fan or a Twitter or Facebook Follower for life forever ,... who will enjoy the music ,..whether they agree with me on issues or shit or not,... they can plainly see that i stick totally to my ideals - for better or for worse,.... Its the kinda shit that a moron like Bill O"Reilly or Glen Beck would love (Laughs)" Says Higgins. The Michael Savage and Mark Levin Radio Shows are Haggins' two most passioned enjoyments; "Michael Savage is way better but Levin is pretty good ,....they are both insane, pissed off demented guys with issues like me and I fucking Love that shit" Says Higgins. As one of the world's most known and read bloggers, Hagins says that he doesn't worry about competition from other online writers or people like Perez Hilton; "I worry about no one ,..NO ONE !!,...I KNOW that i am the best in the World at this shit - and everybody else who reads me knows it too,... You have to have suffered great hardship and adversity to be as good as me and I am quite clearly THE BEST at this shit ,...let me tell ya,... Perez Hilton has no fucking talent at all ,..that guy is a fucking Douchebag ,..... He could never write a song because he is a feelingless, passionless, robot ,..he has no soul ,...HE HAS NOTHING !! He can't even cry.....

Monsters of Myspace, Youtube; Greenhouse Effect, Top Myspace Bands "22nd Street" from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

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