Saturday, September 11, 2021

Greenhouse Effect Songs 1989 "3/4" CLARK HAGINS And PHIL KEEGAN From The "Four Song" EP Vinyl


Greenhouse Effect Discography / Entire Recording History Chronology - Clark Hagins 1985 - 1992 BMI Music from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.

32,935,495 Views - Greenhouse Effect "3/4" ( 1989 ).  This ODD Track for G.e comes from the "Four Song E.p" by the band in May 1989 and Clark Hagins says the track today is his wife's favorite G.e Song and by far; "She doesn't like most G.e. but she loves this one for some reason ( Laughs ),.. She says that it reminds her of 1980's KROQ ?? Sorry ,..but I don't see that" ( Laughs ) Says Hagins in 2015 for ROCK CITY PRODUCTIONS. THIS little song was another one of the tracks designed by Hagins from the drum seat as he would practice "Weird" Time signatures in his garage on the drums at 251 Paseo De Gracia in REDONDO BEACH CALIFORNIA; "THE SONG was paying homage to the band CAPTAIN BEYOND ,.. it's in 3/4 time ,..hence the name  , ,.. it was my yet another attempt at "Dancing Madly Backwards" sorta like "A Current Affair,.. that comes from the same E.p" Says Hagins. The Song has to be considered a very "minor" song in the history of the huge success of G.e. online all around the world and all over the internet; "This one is such a great little tune ,.. sorta heavy and grungey like maybe a mellow Black Sabbath or Zeppelin track" Says Hagins. "But it really hasn't taken off and or grown like say Brandy ,.. or those others,.. not even close ,.. ( Laughs )" claims Hagins.  "3/4" was written in 1989 during yet another difficult time for Hagins; "I was this real short, pale skinny white dude,.. and I wanted a chick badly , ,..but the people around me forgot to tell me that chicks ain't into skinny short white dudes ( Laughs ) ,.. I always just thought my sweet soul and heart would be discovered by a girl ,.. but they are into just money, fashion ,.. and bigger men ( Laughs ) and if ya's knows what I means there .." There was this young lady in Torrance California that Hagins quite fancied indeed and she will go nameless here ; "I just couldn't muster up the courage to get the job done there,.. it was real agonizing" Says Hagins. "I think a problem for a lotta people back when they are 23, 22 years old and shit ,.. is ,.. if they come from a weird dynamic family ,.. when they are much younger,.. it can really fuck a person up later on in life and I can tell you ,.. from the time I was two years old, my family always treated me with disrespect, I mean ,..I was the last of 8 kids ,... they treated me like fucking shit ,.. they talked down to me from the get go ,.. and I remember being young,.. I ALWAYS FELT LIKE SHIT, VERY INSECURE,.. YOU NAME IT,.. very depressed ,.. but my music shined because all the anguish poured into that MUSIC !!" THE LYRICS OF 3/4 are what Bassist Rick Carmody once called 'A good solid love song ,.. One of G.e's only ,..and one of the band's best songs" "Ted really liked that song and he loved to play it live" remembers Hagins. The song was considered quite personal to Hagins as Guitarist Phil Keegan really didn't write the track; "This was one of the "First" organized songs that I pretty much wrote it all" Says Hagins. "It's a real tear-jerker ( Laughs ),.." When the band performed 3/4 live, Hagins remembers though that Keegan "adding" things to the track made it sound even better ! and he even "embellished" with it and he seemed to have quite much fun throwing some Jimmy Page maybe even Robin Trower type guitar noodlings into the chorus part; "We played this song at Wilson Park in Torrance I remember September 1990 ,.. the last ever show with Keegan" Says Hagins. "It was quite a nice performance and quite emotional even if the crowd didn't quite get it.." Hagins today looks back and calls 3/4 "His" emotional masterpiece ; "I'm not the biggest fan of this song but when i stop and really listen to it ,.. and these painful sad lyrics of rejection ,. maybe 'self' rejection ,, ,.. it really hits me ,.. it's sorta like ,..I donno ,.. THE GUESS WHO "LAUGHING" or The Tubes "Be Mine Tonight" ,..  or something ,.. it's pretty fuckin' killer !!" People just gotta crank this shit LOUDER TODAY !" The young lady got married  in 1988 and apparently at quite the youthful age of 19 or so ,..and Hagins remembers his mother informing him of this as he strummed his guitar in the garage at 251; "She was like ,..You blew it" and in my mind I was like; "No YOU BLEW IT !"

THE TRACK was certainly the "First attempt / Precursor" to the much harder edged punk rocker from May 1990 about a year later "Waiting For Your Love To Fail!"

Hagins says that by 1991 and 92' he had devised ways to "Get with a lot of girls" that did not involve money, cars, or clothes,.. or security; "I just started using my charm and sense of humor more overwhelming them with rock n' roll ego n' shit,.. OH and plenty more alcohol and weed ,..'worked like a fuckin' charm-bomb !!" Barks Hagins. "Just crank side one of Zep 4 n' shit...just like Fast times would say ,,"

The song was one of only four tunes ever to be released on vinyl as "The Four Song E.p" was a Red "Picture Disc" showing a pic of the band on it that Hagins paid over 1000.00 $ to make ,.. HUGE MONEY back in 1989 !

Hagins copied a "Complete" "Greenhouse Effect discography" off the internet ,..and he includes it here below ;  

The Complete G.e. Recordings Chronology 1988 to 1992.

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 1992. - Greenhouse-Effect_Mixtapes

Greenhouse-Effect_Song List Complete 1985 to 1992.


Clark-Haggans ;
1983; Age 18 ,...Performs with Torrance Punk Rock band "Outlash Control"... Rehearses in Gardena often

1984 / 85' - Rehearses often with Various South Bay Blues/ Rock bands among them "Soul Clinic" With Guitarist_Steve Stepanian and Bassist Rick Carmody as well as Bassist_Dave-Basen. Also Quite Often performs with the fragmented Group that would later become "The Jim Mellon Quartet" - Notes; Later on in 1986, 87 and various Parts of possibly 1988 through 1990, Performs with the "Christine Valley band" (The CVB) With Ohio Guitarist / Vocalist Joe Delsignore (Joe Groovey Dude). Also Plays with Gardena Punk band "BPS"... and others... (All of these on drums only)...

1988; Jammed with Black Flag Guitarist Greg Ginn at a Redondo Beach Music Studio ,.. As witnessed by Tom Shannon of Death and Taxes and others ,.. apparently was "trying out" audition for GONE and another project called Ginn-Tronics ,..'was never called back,, 

1989 ; Sang with Chuck Dukowski and SWA for four months ( A member of the band ),... Later quit to return to G.e.

1985, 86'
The "Clark Hagins" Solo Demo Tapes. Largely Recorded at South Bay Sound in Gardena California; Some tracks and "Bits" recorded at 251 Redondo Beach with home "Sony" Tape Recorders (Overdubbed). These are heavily organized "Grunge" guitar ideas as heard at BlipTV and other places. The distorted guitars ideas as clashing with "alternative" type songs were 'perfected' first at home in Torrance California before ideas were discussed in studio in an effort to "Capture it" to tape recordings.

First Songs Recorded; Late 1985 - Hagins Aged 20 

1.) Maury,...A Lad Insane
2.) Soviet! (Feel The Soviet Thunder)
3.) Somethings Wrong with the Boy

Engineered By Dan Jamele and Bill Rothenberg

"THIS" WAS an interesting recording session as these early ideas were '80's" sounding little tunes with influences from The Cure to the Smiths to the 1968 era The Who ,..but weirdly with DISTORTED GUITARS layered all over the tops of them ??? Perhaps similar in ways to the JESUS AND MARY CHAIN,.. 

1986; Not in this Order (Months unknown)

1.) Get it Right
2.) Angel Of hell
3.) Magic Fingers
4.) 'Don't Need You
5.) 'Been Her (Tania)
6.) Loser Girl - NOTES; 'This' is one of the most interesting early Clark Higgins Tracks,....right now, Somewhere there is only one (1.) copy of this song floating around the world on a cassette (If it still exists or hasn't been erased somewhere)...
7.) ?? More ? (Unknown)...

"THESE" re quite interesting songs indeed ! With weird influences here from Bruce Springsteen AND BEYOND !! A BOWIE INFLUENCE more than heavily emerging here ! 

Recorded by Bill Rothberg and Possible Dan Jammelle at "Media Kitchen" Gardena Calif. (South bay Sound).

Note; There "are' other (Possibly Professionally recorded too) Songs from this period. A Possible Song called "Scary Sabbath" was accidentally mailed away to somewhere unknown (And it was the only Cassette copy) The Master Tapes exist but are "Akai 12 track system" tapes,...and those Akai consoles are rarely used post 1992 (And of course in the today World of the 2000's are virtually impossible to find). NOTES; There was a 1987 Recording Session that began with Haggins and Dan Jamale and Lasted mere minutes as Hagins cut the session abruptly short - With due to a stress related Possible Panic Attack !! (A severe nervous condition Hagins has suffered since childhood and still to this day.) "It worked out perfect" Says Higgins "I remember something Like all of a sudden, the guy had to leave anyway" - (Laughs)  ..... 


FEBRUARY 1988 - With Guitarist_Phil Keegan, Bassist_Rick Carmody and Greenhouse Effect (February / March 1988) South Bay Sound Co. Gardena California - Likely not in this Order


1.) Precarious
2.) Number One
3.) Think About it (Yardbirds Cover)
4.) Wring that Neck   ( Deep Purple Cover ),.. 
5.) Racers
6.) The Magic Man
7.) Little Man
8.) Actor


Important NOTES; CLARK HAGINS FEELS MANY of these "Global Warming" ideas were "stolen" by people within the Music Industry and used for other bands,..  look , image , style, sound, etc,.. 

1989 - April / May 89' With Bill Rothenberg - South Bay Sound

1. 3/4
2. A Current Affair
3. Six Feet Under
4. Snake


THESE first two albums later compiled and "Put together" album "Bargain bin" style in 1992 By Jeffery Snow At the original Rock City Productions. 

1990 - May 90'

1.) Virus O'Syrus
2.) Coke Snorting
3.) Waiting for your Love to Fail!    ( Keegan / Hagins ).


Notes; Hagins feels the idea for "Waiting for your love to fail!" may have been stolen by individuals within the Hollywood Music Recording Industry ,..

1990 - December 90' - Haggins and Carmody only

1.) Wilson Phillips
2.) America The Beautiful

1991 - January / February 91' - Clark Hagins; Drums, Guitar, Vocals / Rick-Carmody_Bass

1.) Dead End Street
2.) Ben is Dead
3.) Star
4.) Hey Negrita
5.) 22nd Street
6.) God's Joke


NOTES; CLARK HAGINS FEELS MANY of these "Going legit" ideas were "stolen" by people within the Music Industry and used for other bands,..  certainly "STAR" , "Ben is Dead" etc,..certainly the classic "Hey Negrita",..Hagins Grunge distortion is now EVERYWHERE ON TRACKS ,..

1991 - MARCH , April / May 91' - Haggins and Carmody_Bass - Recorded with Bill Krodel and Mark Nathanson @ Jet City Sound Studios, El Segundo California

1.) Subdue
2.) Manipulation
3.) White Black Thang
4.) Please please me (Beatles Cover).

1991 - November / December / March 92' Mix

1.) Brandy

May 10-11 , 1992; Remix and Remaster of 'White Black Thang' and "Subdue"

1992 - May June ( Engineered By Bill Krodel)

1.) Search and Destroy
2.) People (That won't back down).
3.) The Ballad of Kurt Cobain
4.) No Takers


Notes; Hagins feels that the early 1991 Idea for "White Black Thang" was a "Blue Print" for 1990's Alternative rock bands, augmented by the Music Industry ,. Hagins wrote the June 1992 Track "Ballad of Kurt Cobain" as some sort of retort response to the Music Industry and later on in late 1992 "Big Teen dollars" unknowingly re-writing a Frank Zappa like concept idea from 1968's "We're Only In it for the Money",.. which seemed also to slam Cobain 

1992 - July / August

1.) Addicted
2.) Misogynistia
3.) Five Years

1992 - September

1.) Big Teen Dollars


1992 - October / November

1.) Theme
2.) Irie Bob
3.) Katy's Song (Gurdle)
4.) So Much Better
5.) It Ain't Easy
6.) White Suburban Liars
7.) Ripping Reason
8.) ??

RESULTING ALBUM; "WHITE SUBURBAN LIARS" ,..IN LATE 1992, HAGINS EXPERIENCED HIS FIRST EVER "FAILURE TO SELL PRODUCT" As bassist Rick "Ted" Carmody had by then left the band and the "Seattle" Music Scene had completely taken over the style and sound from heavy metal and previous traditional music that existed in 1991 and before;

These final 2 G.e albums were compiled by Jeffery Snow at Rock City Productions bargain bin style as "White Suburban Liars" ,..the track "Big Teen Dollars" found major success around the country on indie radios...

There are other Complete songs in here believe it or not as well as song "Fragments" recorded Dec and Nov 92' - A cover of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love Me" exists on Hagins' master tapes Recorded by Bill Krodel. Never released.

Band Officially breaks up in November / December 1992 - There are no more known recorded songs or works beyond this point - Bassist Rick Carmody Officially joined the 'One Handed Readers' possibly as early as Summer 1992 in Redondo Beach.

In 1994, the "Fountain Weird" CD is released - a mish mash of G.e tunes 1991 to 1992

In 1995 ,.. "The Rock Opera White Suburban Liars" Is released ,.. a 16 song "Epic" CD that Hagins feels is the "Best of G.e" 1990 to 1992... Attempted to "Turn into a "Concept" story" which had been basically abandoned from 1991,..



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