Monday, November 1, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Recording Chronology History - Greenhouse Effect Music internet "God's Joke" 2 Live Versions.



South Bay - Redondo Beach Indie / Pop Rock - Greenhouse Effect World-Wide "The White Black Song". from Naruto Suzuki Japan on Vimeo.
23,035 Views - Youtube Video - Greenhouse Effect recorded at a Rehearsal in Harbor City California at Accessive Light and Sound Studio (Lomita Area Studio Once ran By Andy Houston). At this rehearsal Session, The three Piece band is captured here as they jam with San Pedro Drummer Martin Silva along with Clark Hagins Lead Singing and playing blues-rock guitar and Bassist_Rick Carmody. "When we had Marty Silva in the band on Drums, we got real good,...."God's Joke" always came alive at jams and when we played it live, was awesome." Greenhouse Effect (G.E.) is much more known for their superbly recorded studio song gems such as "Star", Brandy, "Ben is Dead, White Black Thang, and others ,..but there are occasional "Live in Studio" as well as Live gig recordings that are heard on the web where Clark Hagins proves he's much more than just a great South Bay Drummer; "It's funny,..when I talk to Marty on the phone,....he doesn't even know of my drumming prowess at all,..and to the best of my knowledge neither do Greg Tarpley or Palle (Laughs) ,...They all think that "They're" the drummer of G.e. ?? !!" Haggins says that getting Lots of people around the World to take him and his music serious is hard work and a constant uphill battle; "So many People only know me as a drummer in Los Angeles,....but thats probobly likely because its due to the fact that they never bothered to take the time to go see enough of our gigs,....I guess that they didn't pay close enough attention to all my flyers at Go-Boy Records in Redondo and at Alternative Groove down in Hermosa. (Laughs)" For more than half of the time of the band's existence, Haggins had moved up front on guitar in the trio along with bassist Rick Carmody and who-ever they could get at the time back on the drums; We first had Marty Silva and we picked him up about December of 1990,....he was around until June of 91 and 'thats' when I discovered Greg Tarpley jamming with some punk band !! When I heard how tight Greg Played,...we hired him on the spot,....but looking back, that might have been a huge mistake because we really missed the power and heaviness of Marty,....although Greg was hella' tight !!! Hagins and Carmody reacquainted with Silva about December 91' just right after the Seattle invasion of bands like Nirvana exploded on to the scene and after Greg Tarpley quit the band; "We just thought and 'knew' that we were gonna get a record deal and Marty Silva was gonna be the way to do it,.... about January and February of 92' , we had gotten really tight live with Marty again. Silva would however quit the band too as well after a gig at Nomad's Club in West Los Angeles where no crowd showed and planned attendances by Geffen A & R Personell never materialized; "We played like this incredible tight performance at Nomads in front of absolutely no one and Marty quit the next day,.....and thats when I gave Palle Carlson a call" Says Haggins. Palle Carlson was a drummer who was always 'filling in' from time to time but Haggins decided that the time was right to let him join G.e. permanently ; "Palle was a much better drummer than I gave him credit,...he actually hit hard and tight,...I just had low confidence in him,...maybe based on the way he looked,..." Haggins says that he knows all too well what it is to be 'judged on appearances'; "Back in the South Bay,..I was a real smallish little dude who spoke with like this annoying high pitched little voice,....and thus, thats maybe why alotta people didn't take me and my music serious, I theorize,..that could be why,.....but it sure is a dumb reason to miss out on all that Great music by G.e. ,....theres still many people even to this day ,..who won't give me a chance ,..and they won't even bother to hear my songs,....believe me,..I have to sit here for hours at night and work real damn hard to convince millions of people that I'm good at music and I damn near practically can't do it BELIEVE THAT SHIT OR NOT ! !!! except for the fact that my music is really technically so damn good and Proficient ,....thats the only thing that gets me by and over the line,...they ain't loving me 'cause I'm sexy on here (Laughs)." Haggins says that many of his hard worked video and Blog accounts (Like two of the ones at Youtube) have been deleted and alot of it is because so many people come on to sites to say nasty things about Hagins and G.e.; "Many of these people - like the ones who ruined two of my Youtube Accounts - are people who originate back in the South Bay and the things they say can very vicious and brutal at me,....and i guess that they still don't Like me at all - even after all these years (Laughs) ,.....but I cannot ever remember me personally going out of my way to "smear' other People the way that I have seen people come after me on here (Online),....who knows,..Some of them could be old people from Bam Magazine (Laughs),.....when I look back over my life,...I really cannot remember many times where I have gone and tried to hate on others - thats just NOT my game ,....I'm usually very nice,....but the stuff that I have encountered in cyberspace directed at me has made me turn into a very ugly monster and a complete different animal now,...I don't F***k with people,...and people shouldn't mess with me either,.. I'm jus' tryin' to get my music out there - out to the people,..and if I can't get signed ,..then what else do they expect me to do ??,..videos are all that I got." -

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